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Loved Ones Course 101: Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Abuse
Loved Ones Course 101: Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Abuse
Welcome to the Loved Ones Support Course!
A Little About Me (1:46)
Structure of Course (1:49)
Exercise (3:30)
Section 1: Objectives and Statistics
Section 1: Objectives and Statistics (5:07)
Section 2: What the Survivor is Experiencing
Section 2: What the Survivor is Experiencing (13:54)
Section 3: Helpful Therapies for Survivors
Section 3: Helpful Therapies for Survivors (15:24)
#1 Way to Help the Survivor in Your Life
#1 Way to Help the Survivor in Your Life (1:12)
Section 4: What You Can Do to Support the Survivor in Your LIfe
Section 4: What You Can Do to Support Your Survivor (11:21)
Thank you!
Thank you! (1:27)
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